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来源:2exam.com 2013-10-18 20:11:09



Katharine Graham 1 from the University of Chicago in 1938,and got a job as a news reporter in San Francisco. Katharine’s father used to be a successful 2 banker. In 1938 he bought a 3 newspaper-The Washington Post. Then Katharine returned to Washington and got a job – editing letters in her father’s newspaper. She married Philip Graham who took over his 4 position shortly after and became publisher of The Washington Post. But for many years her husband suffered from 5 and killed himself in 1963.

  After her husband’s death,Katharine operated the newspaper. In the 1970s,the newspaper became famous around the world. And Katharine was also 6 an important leader in newspaper publishing. She was the first woman to head a major American publishing company – The Washington Post Company. In a few years,she 7 the company to include newspapers,magazines,broadcasting and cable companies.

  She died of head injuries after a fall when she was 84. More than 3,000 people attended her 8

  including many government and business leaders. Her friends said she would be remembered as a woman who had 9 on events in the United States and the world. Katharine once wrote:“The world without newspapers would not be the same kind of world.” After her death 10 of The Washington Post wrote:” The world without Katharine will not be the same at all.”


  graduated       investment      failing       father – in – law’s     mental       illness       recognized as   

successfully      expanded       funeral      an important influence    the employees

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